Intro to Dexterity Trilogy
Hello everyone:
Hello everyone, it has been a while since I posted last (May 20, to be exact), and I am so happy to be back.
As writers, once a series is done, we get asked what’s next? So, here I am today to share with you all what is next for me, J. Faith Kenney, and I’m so excited to be talking about what I have been working on.
What have I been working?
Now that Neuroner Duology is completely finished, I have been devoting my time to this new series called Dexterity Trilogy. As of right now, I’m not going to give out too many details of what it is about (later blogs on that), but just the basics.
What genre is it?
Fantasy, young adult (YA) officially, but closer to being a new adult for age group since it deals with difficult topics.
Who is the main character(s)?
Amina Hellen, a seventeen year old, and it is her story. She is incredibly strong, mentally and physically, and has endured a lot in her life. What I really loved about writing this series, is that each chapter has a date to it,
First POV or third?
First person and past tense, but it breaks the fourth wall, which means Amina, knows you are reading her story. What I really loved about writing this series, is that each chapter has a date to it, and it is sort of like reading her diary while you, as the reader, experience her life. It is like a fictional memoir for Amina Hellen, and to get a glimpse of this world.
Parting words?:
Not much more to say for now, except I’m really excited for you to learn more about it in the up in coming months, and to finally be sharing this story. 🤓