Five Things About Bone Strength

By J. Faith Kenney

1) Main Character

Amina Lynn Hellen is the main character of  Bone Strenght, but also for Dexterity Trilogy. It is her story and life, and it’s like a fictional memoir. It starts when she is seventeen years old, but the narrative of the story is Amina, whose a thirty-two year old woman, who has lived through this already and is now reflecting on her life, and what point in her life that was the turning point that led her to where she is now. 

You still experience the story, and how I like to describe it, is Amina taking your hand and saying let me show you. 

One key element in Amina’s life that has helped her look back on her life and keep track of the events in writing. Throughout the whole story, Amina writes down what is happening and her feelings on a piece of loose paper, like a journal, and kept all of the writing in a box. She started writing when her father told her: words kept in, were a demon to one’s soul, at a young age, and does it her whole life. 

2) Chapter Style

To represent how it's only Amina's story, and to give it a journal aesthetic, each chapter has a date associated with it. The dates are important because Bone Strenght isn't over a course of a few days or even weeks, but roughly three months.

3) Years

The years in Dexterity Trilogy are different than our years. In Bone Strenght, it is the year 235MA, and let me break it down of what it means. So, MA means modern age, and the year 235 is just a number I chose. In other words / to compare it, it’s like how we say 18BC or even 20BCE. 

In this world, every million years has an abbreviation that means something like MA equal modern age. It starts from one and goes all the way up to a million. 

4) Supreme Humans

Supreme humans are the magic / abilities Amina and others have. It’s man-made from The States and was created during World War Four to help in the war. However, takes five to ten years to show signs of ability, and by then it the war is over with. It’s a chemical formula that was injected into pregnant ladies that alter the babies, and their’s, DNA to create these abilities.

Abilities are a dominant trait and will be passed on to their offspring, even if the other parents don’t have an ability.

5) About It- Not the full Synopsis

The States made a mistake in creating supreme humans and needed to control them before they got out of hand. They created the Clean Up Act, which permitted people like Ross Burns to kidnapped these children and take them to an island off the coast of The States, but will the Clean Up Act be a long term solution, or only for a decade, after the children have grown up and can fight for their freedom.


Character List


Book One Title Reveal