Danny Burnett
Full name: Danny Burnett
Birthday: December 31, 216MA
Death: December 31, 235MA
Looks like:
Hair: Light brown
Eyes: blue
Lips: rosy pink
Face shape: square with sharp features
Skin tone: warm honey beige
Body shape: very buff and bulky- looks like he did steroids
Height: five feet and seven inches
Distinct characteristics
sun tattoo on his left peck in the center of it is J and G
Ability type: Weaponry, Strongist
Age: 18/19
Birthplace: Capital, The States
Death place: Jamic
Allies / group:
Jamic Government
Mr Sexy (Fia)
Danny Burns
Commander boy (Fia)
Ross Burns (father)
Rebecca Marshal (mother) +
Zara Hicks (second cousin)
Unnamed grandfather
Unnamed second uncle
Unnamed second aunt
Council member for Jamic
Commanader for Jamic Government
Amina Hellen (former lover)
hands curl into fist while he doesn't make eye contact when he is lying
great at glossing over / going around things
uses his authority
he keeps things to himself
tries to be nothing like his parents
Moral / belief:
Thinks he is like everyone else on Jamic, but not a broken kid.
Adjectives to describe them:
not expressive
like to hide- feelings, past, and information
acts tough, but in reality, the slightest touch can break him
loves to use / say his titles to show his power
constant battle for wanting to be part of government vs like everyone else
constantly question himself
seek to be valued / wanted
crowd- for many, many things in his life time
has power, but doesn't really