Danny Burnett

Full name: Danny Burnett

Birthday: December 31, 216MA

Death: December 31, 235MA

Looks like:

Hair: Light brown

Eyes: blue

Lips: rosy pink

Face shape: square with sharp features

Skin tone: warm honey beige

Body shape: very buff and bulky- looks like he did steroids

Height: five feet and seven inches

Distinct characteristics

  • sun tattoo on his left peck in the center of it is J and G

Ability type: Weaponry, Strongist

Age: 18/19

Birthplace: Capital, The States

Death place: Jamic

Allies / group:

  • Jamic Government


  • Mr Sexy (Fia)

  • Commander

  • Danny Burns

  • Commander boy (Fia)


  • Ross Burns (father)

  • Rebecca Marshal (mother) +

  • Zara Hicks (second cousin)

  • Unnamed grandfather

  • Unnamed second uncle

  • Unnamed second aunt


  • Council member for Jamic

  • Commanader for Jamic Government


  • Amina Hellen (former lover)


  • hands curl into fist while he doesn't make eye contact when he is lying

  • great at glossing over / going around things

  • uses his authority

  • he keeps things to himself

  • tries to be nothing like his parents

Moral / belief:

  • Thinks he is like everyone else on Jamic, but not a broken kid.

Adjectives to describe them:

  • not expressive

  • like to hide- feelings, past, and information

  • acts tough, but in reality, the slightest touch can break him

  • loves to use / say his titles to show his power

  • constant battle for wanting to be part of government vs like everyone else

  • constantly question himself

  • seek to be valued / wanted

  • crowd- for many, many things in his life time

  • has power, but doesn't really


Hayden Hellen


Amina Hellen