Bone Strength Cover Reveal
Title: Bone Strength
Author: J. Faith Kenney
Series: Dexterity (1 out of 3)
Release date: February 22, 2022
Seventeen year old, Amina Hellen, was part of the hundred children that were kidnapped by Ross Burns. Nobody came looking for these children, since The States was cleaning up their mistake of creating children with abilities- called supreme humans.
After ten years of being trained by torture, Amina is forced to be a soldier for the man who caused her the most pain. She attacks other countries, where The States and Ross Burns have no power in, and Amina knows this is how wars are started. However, the only way for her to survive is to follow Ross’s commands.
Thoughts on the Cover by J. Faith Kenney
Ahh! First off, I want to give a big thank you to Sarah Waites at Illustrated Page Book Design for making this stunning cover for Bone Strength. I am absolutely in love with this cover and how it turned out. My favorite part about the whole cover is the hand on Amina, while also the bone hands in the title. I just love this cover and really could gush about for hours, but I’m going to leave it short so I’m not repeating myself over and over again.
Sarah Waites Information:
Sarah did such an amazing job for this book cover and she was really easy and nice to work with. I can’t recommend her enough.
Illustrated Page Book Design website: